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Boring Bars (indexable)

Indexable Boring Bars

Indexable boring bars for lathes. Positive rake.

Inserts are not included.
TPGB-221 or TPGC-221 inserts must be used in bars requiring 1/4" I.C. inserts.
TPGB-321, TPGB-322, TPGC-321, or TPGC-322 must be used in bars requiring 3/8" I.C. inserts.
Please note that other inserts, such as TPG or TNMG, will not have the correct hole and countersink.

Made in the USA.

Follow this link to see the corresponding Carbide Inserts for BBU series Boring Bars..
Quantity Price Model Description Angle Enter +/- 0°15' Min. Bore Shank Overall Length Insert I.C.

$62.00 BBU-BS6-2
5" Indexable Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 91° .430" 1/2" 5" 1/4"

$62.00 BBU-BN6-2
5" Indexable Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 95° .430" 1/2" 5" 1/4"

$53.30 BBU-BS8
6" Indexable Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 91° .700" 1/2" 6" 3/8"

$53.30 BBU-BL8
6" Indexable Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 85° .700" 1/2" 6" 3/8"

$53.30 BBU-BN8
6" Indexable Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 95° .700" 1/2" 6" 3/8"

$53.30 BBU-BS10
6" Indexable Boring Bar - 5/8" Shank 91° .710" 5/8" 7" 3/8"

$53.30 BBU-BN10
6" Indexable Boring Bar - 5/8" Shank 95° .710" 5/8" 7" 3/8"

$62.00 BBU-BS12-3
10" Indexable Boring Bar - 3/4" Shank 91° .845" 3/4" 10" 3/8"

$62.00 BBU-BN12-3
10" Indexable Boring Bar - 3/4" Shank 95° .845" 3/4" 10" 3/8"

Indexable Boring Bar Sets

A set of high quality American-made indexable boring bars.
Positive rake.

The set includes:
4 boring bars: BBU-BN6-2, BBU-BS8, BBU-BN10, BBU-BN12-3
10 TPGB-321 C5 inserts
5 TPGB-221 C5 inserts
3 pc 4-40 torx screws
T-10 key

Boring Bar model BBU-BN6-2 requires TPGB-221 or TPGC-221 inserts. (These are 1/4" I.C. inserts.)

Boring Bar models BBU-BS8, BBU-BN10, and BBU-BN12-3 require TPGB-321, TPGB-322, TPGC-321, or TPGC-322 inserts. (These are 3/8" I.C. inserts.)

Please note that other insert types (for instance, TPG or TNMG) will not have the correct hole and countersink.

Follow this link to see the corresponding Carbide Inserts for BBU series Boring Bars..
Quantity Price Model Description

$373.30 BBU-ST4
Indexable Boring Bar Set in Wood Box

Mini Indexable Boring Bars

Mini Indexable boring bars for smaller setups.
1/2" Shanks. 4" overall length.

Inserts are not included.
These bars hold TCMT-520 inserts.

Made in the USA.

Follow this link to see the corresponding Carbide Inserts for BBU series Boring Bars..
Quantity Price Model Description Enter Angle Min. Bore

$68.80 BBU-BN-6-5-2
95 deg Mini Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 95° .286"

$68.80 BBU-BS-6-5-2
91 deg Mini Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 91° .286"

$68.80 BBU-BN-6-5-3
95 deg Mini Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 95° .314"

$68.80 BBU-BN-6-5-4
95 deg Mini Boring Bar - 1/2" Shank 95° .378"

Mini Indexable Boring Bar Set

A set of small American-made indexable boring bars.
The bars all have 1/2" shanks and 4" overall length.

The set includes:
4 mini boring bars: BBU-BN-6-5-2, BBU-BS-6-5-2, BBU-BN-6-5-3, BBU-BN-6-5-4
20 TCMT-520 coated inserts
3 pc 2-56 torx screws
T-6 wrench
wood storage box

These boring bars hold TCMT-520 inserts.

Made in the USA.

Follow this link to see the corresponding Carbide Inserts for BBU series Boring Bars..
Quantity Price Model Description

$424.80 BBU-ST3
Indexable Mini Boring Bar Set

Super-Lok Boring Bars

High quality American-made indexable boring bars.
Insert is held rigidly by a unique clamp design.
The only replacement part is a common cap screw.

Uses standard triangle inserts, such as TPG 221 (1/4" IC) or TPG 321 (3/8" IC).
Each tool includes one insert.

Made in USA by APT.

Follow this link to see the corresponding Carbide Inserts for APT Super-Lok Boring Bars..
Quantity Price Model Description Shank Size Min. Bore Bore Depth Overall Length Inserts Size I.C.

$51.60 APT-LB8S
1/2" Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 1/2" 1 1/2" 3" 1/4"

$53.10 APT-LB8M
1/2" Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 1/2" 2 1/4" 3 3/4" 1/4"

$51.60 APT-LB9S
1/2" Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 9/16" 1 3/4" 3 1/4" 1/4"

$59.00 APT-LB9M
1/2" Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 9/16" 2 5/8" 4 1/8" 1/4"

$53.10 APT-LB10S
1/2" Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 5/8" 2" 3 1/2" 1/4"

$55.70 APT-LB10M
1/2" Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 5/8" 3" 4 1/2" 1/4"

$64.80 APT-LB9L
1/2" XLong Super-Lok Boring Bar 1/2" 9/16" - 8" 1/4"

$59.10 APT-LC8S
5/8" Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 1/2" 1 1/2" 3 1/4" 1/4"

$60.90 APT-LC8M
5/8" Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 1/2" 2 1/4" 4" 1/4"

$59.10 APT-LC10S
5/8" Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 5/8" 2" 3 3/4" 1/4"

$62.70 APT-LC10M
5/8" Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 5/8" 3" 4 3/4" 1/4"

$62.70 APT-LC12S
5/8" Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 3/4" 2 1/2" 4 1/2" 3/8"

$67.00 APT-LC12M
5/8" Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 3/4" 3 3/4" 5 1/2" 3/8"

$78.30 APT-LC11L
5/8" XLong Super-Lok Boring Bar 5/8" 11/16" - 9" 3/8"

$67.00 APT-LD8S
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 1/2" 1 1/2" 3 1/2" 1/4"

$67.00 APT-LD8M
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 1/2" 2 1/4" 4 1/4" 1/4"

$67.00 APT-LD10S
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 5/8" 2" 4" 1/4"

$71.40 APT-LD10M
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 5/8" 3" 5" 1/4"

$71.40 APT-LD12S
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 3/4" 2 3/4" 4 1/2" 3/8"

$73.70 APT-LD12M
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 3/4" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 3/8"

$73.70 APT-LD13S
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 13/16" 3" 5" 3/8"

$76.80 APT-LD13M
3/4" Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 13/16" 4 1/2" 6 1/2" 3/8"

$89.20 APT-LD13L
3/4" XLong Super-Lok Boring Bar 3/4" 13/16" - 10" 3/8"

Super-Lok Boring Bar Sets

Sets of high quality American-made Super-Lok indexable boring bars.
Insert is held rigidly by a unique clamp design.
The only replacement part is a common cap screw.
The sets comes in a wood stand.
Uses standard triangle inserts, such as TPG 221 (1/4" IC) or TPG 321 (3/8" IC).
Each tool includes one insert.

Made in USA by APT.

Follow this link to see the corresponding Carbide Inserts for APT Super-Lok Boring Bars..
Quantity Price Model Description Shank Diam.

$324.00 APT-LB500
6 Piece 1/2" Super-Lok Boring Set 1/2"

$371.00 APT-LC625
6 Piece 5/8" Super-Lok Boring Set 5/8"

$566.00 APT-LD750
8 Piece 3/4" Super-Lok Boring Set 3/4"

TPGB, TPGC Carbide Inserts for Indexable Boring Bars, Grade C2

For our BBU- series of indexable boring bars.

Grade C2 for non-ferrous metals and general purpose use.
TPGB inserts - For machining short-chip materials, without chipbreaker.
TPGC inserts - With precision-ground chipbreaker.

The I.C. dimension is the diameter of a circle that could be drawn within a triangular insert, touching the midpoint of each side.
Quantity Price Model Description Radius I.C.

$8.80 CI-TPGB-221-C2
TPGB-221 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 1/4"

$9.20 CI-TPGC-221-C2
TPGC-221 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 1/4"

$8.80 CI-TPGB-222-C2
TPGB-222 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 1/4"

$8.80 CI-TPGB-321-C2
TPGB-321 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert, 1082-0075 1/64" 3/8"

$9.20 CI-TPGC-321-C2
TPGC-321 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 3/8"

$8.80 CI-TPGB-322-C2
TPGB-322 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert, 1082-0085 1/32" 3/8"

$9.20 CI-TPGC-322-C2
TPGC-322 Grade C2 Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 3/8"

TPGB, TPGC, TCMT Carbide Inserts for Boring Bars, Grade C5/C6

For our BBU- series of indexable boring bars.
Grade C5/C6 for machining steel.
TPGB inserts - For machining short-chip materials, without chipbreaker.
TPGC inserts - With precision-ground chipbreaker.
TCMT-520 inserts are for the Mini Boring Bars.-limited availabliaty in uncoated.

The I.C. dimension is the diameter of a circle that could be drawn within a triangular insert, touching the midpoint of each side.
Quantity Price Model Description Radius I.C.

$8.80 CI-TPGB-221-C5
TPGB-221 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 1/4"

$9.20 CI-TPGC-221-C5
TPGC-221 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 1/4"

$8.80 CI-TPGB-222-C5
TPGB-222 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 1/4"

$8.80 CI-TPGB-321-C5
TPGB-321 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert, 1082-0080 1/64" 3/8"

$9.20 CI-TPGC-321-C5
TPGC-321 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 3/8"

$8.80 CI-TPGB-322-C5
TPGB-322 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert, 1082-0090 1/32" 3/8"

$9.20 CI-TPGC-322-C5
TPGC-322 Grade C5/C6 Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 3/8"

TPGB,TPGC,TCMT Carbide Inserts for Boring Bars, TiN Coated

For our BBU- series of indexable boring bars.
Grade C5/C6 with Titanium Nitride coating for greater tool life.
TPGB inserts - For machining short-chip materials, without chipbreaker.
TPGC inserts - With precision-ground chipbreaker.
TCMT-520 inserts are for the Mini Boring Bars - they have a black coating rather than gold color.

The I.C. dimension is the diameter of a circle that could be drawn within a triangular insert, touching the midpoint of each side.
Quantity Price Model Description Radius I.C.

$11.15 CI-TCMT-520-TNC
TCMT-520 Grade TNC (Coated) Carbide Boring Insert .015" -

$9.70 CI-TPGB-221-TNC
TPGB-221 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 1/4"

$9.90 CI-TPGC-221-TNC
TPGC-221 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 1/4"

$9.70 CI-TPGB-222-TNC
TPGB-222 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 1/4"

$9.70 CI-TPGB-321-TNC
TPGB-321 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 3/8"

$10.20 CI-TPGC-321-TNC
TPGC-321 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/64" 3/8"

$9.70 CI-TPGB-322-TNC
TPGB-322 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 3/8"

$10.20 CI-TPGC-322-TNC
TPGC-322 Grade TNC (TiN Coated) Carbide Boring Insert 1/32" 3/8"