Mill Files (American Pattern) |
We have temporarily made some these items unavailable for purchase on our site while we re-organize our inventory.
For current price and availability of files marked "Out of Stock," please send us an email.
Mill Files (American Pattern)
Maintenance Grade imported files.
Bastard cut is coarse.
Second cut is medium.
Smooth cut is fine.
Length |
Width |
Thickness |
Out of stock
$1.94 | FIMI-6-B
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 6" Bastard, 5402-0010 | 6" |
19/32" |
7/64" |
Out of stock
$2.64 | FIMI-6-2
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 6" 2nd Cut, 5404-0010 | 6" |
19/32" |
7/64" |
Out of stock
$2.74 | FIMI-6-S
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 6" Smooth, 5406-0005 | 6" |
19/32" |
7/64" |
Out of stock
$2.97 | FIMI-8-B
| File, MILL (Single Cut) Bastard, 5402-0015 | 8" |
25/32" |
9/64" |
Out of stock
$3.53 | FIMI-8-2
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 2nd Cut, 5404-0015 | 8" |
25/32" |
9/64" |
Out of stock
$3.64 | FIMI-8-S
| File, MILL (Single Cut) Smooth, 5406-0010 | 8" |
25/32" |
9/64" |
Out of stock
$3.87 | FIMI-10-B
| File, MILL (Single Cut) Bastard, 5402-0020 | 10" |
31/32" |
11/64" |
$4.60 | FIMI-10-2
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 2nd Cut, 5404-0020 | 10" |
31/32" |
11/64" |
Out of stock
$4.69 | FIMI-10-S
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 10" Smooth, 5406-0015 | 10" |
31/32" |
11/64" |
Out of stock
$4.69 | FIMI-12-B
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 12" Bastard, 5402-0025 | 12" |
1-5/32" |
7/32" |
$5.00 | FIMI-12-2
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 12" 2nd Cut, 5404-0025 | 12" |
1-5/32" |
7/32" |
$5.89 | FIMI-12-S
| File, MILL (Single Cut) 12" Smooth, 5406-0020 | 12" |
1-5/32" |
7/32" |