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Screw Checkers

Screw Checkers

Ingenious gage quickly tells you size, pitch or thread count, tap drill sizes, clearance drill sizes, tap series, length and basic diameter of American, Unified and Metric machine screws.
Instructions included. Even straightens bent screws. A must for every shop.

Made in the USA of heavy gage satin finish steel.
Quantity Price Model Description Type Range of Sizes

$13.75 CHE-1
#1 thru 5/16" Screw Checker WT:6800-1195 Inch #1 thru 5/16

$14.75 CHE-2
2mm to 7mm Screw Checker Metric 2mm to 7mm

$16.10 CHE-3
8mm to 14mm Screw Checker Metric 8mm to 14mm