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Jobber Drill Sets

Jobber Drill Sets, Quality Import

Sets of High Speed Steel Jobber Drills in metal case. Ground flutes.
Inch sets are Bright, polished finish.
Metric sets are Black Oxide finish.
Quantity Price Model Description Sizes Number of Drills

$36.90 DSBR-60
#1-60 HS Brite Drill Set WT:0142-9960 #1 - #60 60

$43.75 DSBR-29
1/16"-1/2" by 64ths HS Brite Drill Set WT:0141-9950 1/16 - 1/2" by 64ths 29
Out of stock
$52.90 DSBR-26
A-Z HS Brite Drill Set WT:0192-0040 A - Z 26

$17.95 DSBR-20
#61-80 HS Drill Set WT:0142-9970 #61 - #80 20

$139.50 DSBR-115
1/16"- 1/2" by 64ths, A-Z, #1-60 HSS Brite Drill Set, 0192-0045 1/16 - 1/2", A - Z, #1 - #60 115
Out of stock
$24.90 DSBR-15
1/16"-1/2" by 32nds HS Brite Drill Set 1/16 - 1/2" by 32nds 15

$14.90 DSBR-13
1/16"-1/4" by 64ths HS Brite Drill Set WT:0192-0020 1/16 - 1/4" by 64ths 13
Out of stock
$24.45 DSBR-M13
1mm-7mm by .5mm HS Drill Set 1mm - 7mm by 1/2mm 13

$48.25 DSBR-M19
1mm-10mm by .5mm HS Drill Set 1mm - 10mm by 1/2mm 19

$79.85 DSBR-M25
1mm-13mm by .5mm HS Drill Set WT:0155-9990 1mm - 13mm by 1/2mm 25
Out of stock
$54.90 DSBR-M50
1mm-5.9mm by .1mm HS Drill Set 1mm - 5.9mm by 0.1mm 50
Out of stock
$104.90 DSBR-M41
6mm-10mm by .1mm HS Drill Set 6mm - 10mm by 0.1mm 41

Jobber Drill Sets, USA HSS

Sets of American-made Jobber Drills in metal case.
High Speed Steel, Ground flutes, Bright polished finish.
Made in USA.
Quantity Price Model Description Sizes Number of Drills

$74.90 DSUS-29
1/16"-1/2" by 64ths HS USA Drill Set, 0409-6005 1/16 - 1/2" by 64ths 29
Out of stock
$61.05 DSUS-60
#1-#60 HS USA Jobbers Drill Set, 0409-6010 #1 - #60 60

$85.30 DSUS-26
A-Z HS USA Jobbers Drill Set, 0152-9980 A - Z 26
Out of stock
$299.00 DSUS-115
1/16"-1/2" by 64ths, A-Z, 1-60 HS USA Drill Set, 0409-6035 1/16 - 1/2", A - Z, #1 - #60 115

$15.20 DSUS-13
1/16"-1/4" by 64ths HS USA Drill Set, 0409-6047 1/16 - 1/4" by 64ths 13

$39.75 DSUS-15
1/16"-1/2" by 32nds HS USA Drill Set, 0409-6044 1/16 - 1/2" by 32nds 15

Drill Sets, Cobalt

Sets of Cobalt Jobber Length Drills in metal case.
Cobalt drill bits will take more heat than High Speed Steel drills, extending their life and allowing them to better cut hard materials such as stainless steels.
Quantity Price Model Description Sizes Number of Drills

$84.90 DSCO-60
#1-60 Cobalt Drill Set, 0149-9930 #1 - #60 60

$103.00 DSCO-29
1/16"-1/2" by 64ths Cobalt Drill Set, 0147-9910 1/16 - 1/2" by 64ths 29

$72.00 DSCO-15
1/16"-1/2" by 32nds Cobalt Drill Set, USA Drills, 0149-9927 1/16 - 1/2" by 32nds 15

$32.75 DSCO-13
1/16"-1/4" by 64ths Cobalt Drill Set, 0149-9928 1/16 - 1/4" by 64ths 13

$108.90 DSCO-26
A-Z Cobalt Drill Set, 0149-9933 A-Z 26

$289.00 DSCO-115
Drill Set, Cobalt Jobbers, 1/16" x 1/2" x64ths, A-Z, #1-60 - 115

TiN Coated HS Jobbers Drill Sets

Sets of High Speed Steel Drills with TiN Coating in metal case.
TiN coating provides surface hardness, wear resistance and promotes a better finish to the hole.
Please note: 115 piece set may be supplied in a molded plastic case rather than a metal case.
Quantity Price Model Description Sizes Number of Drills

$74.30 DSTN-60
1-60 TiN Coated Drill Set WT:0192-0030 1-60 60
Out of stock
$74.30 DSTN-26
A-Z TiN Coated Drill Set A-Z 26