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Straightening Titanium Alloy Parts

Straightening Titanium Alloy Parts

Straightening Titanium Alloy Parts
Edward F. Rossman, Ph.D.
80 pages, Illustrated, 5 x 7
Published: July, 2007

Unlike any other book, this practical and proven guide will provide you with a foundation for determining causes and remedies for warpage in titanium alloy part fabrication. It discusses methods for straightening titanium alloy and describes criterion for selecting the most appropriate straightening process. You’ll never have to fight distortion or throw away warped titanium parts again!

* Discusses in detail the causes of warpage of titanium alloy airframe parts.
* Provides proven steps that can be taken to prevent warpage.
* Offers recipes for straightening titanium parts—straightening in a gas furnace, straightening in an electric furnace, straightening in a vacuum furnace, straightening cold, straightening by shot peening, straightening using blacksmithing techniques.

* Background
* Problem
* Purpose
* Scope and Limitations of Report
* Order of Reporting
Chapter 1: Causes and Prevention of Warpage
* Purpose
* Coverage and Limitations
* Three Areas of Stress
* Short-Term Solution (Straighten Part)
* Long-Term Solutions
* Summary
Chapter 2: Methods (Recipes) for Straightening
* Background and General Definitions
* Specific Purpose of this Chapter
* Order of Discussion
* Limitations
* Definitions and General Information
* Specific Methods and Processes for Straightening Parts (The Recipes)
* Summary
Chapter 3: Overall Summary

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$16.00 BK-STAP
BOOK- Straightening Titanium Alloy Parts